2nd Edition – Aldeia da Luz (Mourão), 20-21 June, 2023

Five years later, the second Social Innovation Village (Aldeia da Inovação Social) will be held in the beautiful, rural Aldeia da Luz, in Mourão, Alentejo, on June 20 and 21, 2023.


    • Because five years later Portugal Inovação Social has made available to the national ecosystem of social innovation 152 million euros, approved 694 applications, funded 477 entities and partnered with 843 public and private co-investors, becoming its main catalyst.
    • Because five years later Portugal has one of the most dynamic social innovation ecosystems in the world, with more networks, more partnerships and greater diversity, being today an experimental laboratory of new social responses with high potential impact on the lives of thousands of people and families, which inspire the evolution of public policies.
    • Because five years later, Social Innovation has established itself as a paradigm of a new way of thinking about social intervention, bringing together citizens, entrepreneurs, and social, public and private organizations to jointly seek and experiment with new answers to the collective challenges we face;
    • Because Aldeia da Luz is in itself a radical social innovation project that deserves attention and reflection.

The 2nd edition of Social Innovation Village (Aldeia da Inovação Social) is integrated within the activities to be developed by Portugal in the European consortium called “ESF+ Network of Competence Centres for Social Innovation” and which adopted in its communication the generic name FUSE (Facilitating United approaches to Social innovations in Europe)as part of the initiative launched by the European Commission to support the creation of National Competence Centers for Social Innovation, in each of the European Union’s member states.

Portugal is represented in this initiative by Agência para o Desenvolvimento e Coesão (AD&C) and by Estrutura de Missão Portugal Inovação Social (EMPIS), with the support of Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, of Universidade Católica Portuguesa, of Montepio Bank and Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa/Casa do ImpactoThe Advisory Board is composed of about 40 entities from the national innovation and impact investing ecosystem.